The Flawless: Art’s Tale Coming to Xbox Series X

Some awesome new, The Flawless: Art's Tale will be on the next generation of consoles. That's right we can proudly confirm that our action adventure game, set in a brutal world of cats, will be coming to Xbox Series X. The game will also launch on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Steam(Win/Lin/macOS). This is great news but means

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A Flawless World of Cats

As we'll soon be back to working on The Flawless: Art's Tale we decided it would be a good time to go into more detail about its world and lore. Recently, most of our attention has been focused on our retro space shooter, Super Mega Space Blaster Special. (more…)

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A Brave New World Map

After a few weeks working on menu systems I decided to start work on building the world map. It's already looking good and starting to bring the game together. We've known from the beginning that building the world map would be a massive task. This is because we don't just want a simple menu type map that allows you to

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Flawless Swords for Every Occasion

I've been working away on our young hero, Art's, animations and his swords this week. In the game swords are known as 'blades'. Each blade has taken a lot of time to design, code and animate but they are really looking cool now and Art's melee arsenal is rapidly expanding. Hero Art uses melee weapons and he can find loads of

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Flawless Art’s Walk Cycle

I've been busy working away on our new hero Art's walk cycle for our action-RPG The Flawless: Art's Tale (TFAT). I think his walk cycle is coming on pretty well. The art-style has improved; still inspired by kids drawings and in monochrome but more detailed. I've tried to give him a bit of a stomp and think his cat hood

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