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- A monthly email newsletter keeping you updated on all BKD games and news!
- Free 4K and full-HD digital wallpapers!
The monthly newsletter will give you BKD news as it happens. In the newsletter you’ll get all the Space Blaster and The Flawless: Art’s Tale news first. You’ll also get updates on our giveaways & gaming competitions, as well as our Retro Roots and Best Indie Games articles. Join now and get a free digital wallpaper in 4K and full-HD resolutions!
Join the BKD Mailing List to receive free 4K and full-HD digital wallpapers of our games. When new wallpapers are added you’ll be able to access them meaning you not only get the wallpapers available when you join but you also get access to all future wallpapers too. We’ll notify you in the monthly newsletter when new wallpapers are available.
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