We’ve been so busy working on our indie game, The Flawless: Art’s Tale, and a few other projects that we haven’t had a lot of time for blogging or enjoying other indie games. Finally I have a free couple of hours to spend looking at 6 of the best indie games in development that are due for release in 2016 and beyond. Read on to find out which indie games have caught our attention.
Galaxy Scout:
Fran Bow was one of our favourite indie games of 2015. A creepy dark adventure filled with emotion about a young girl’s struggle to find her pet cat and discover the truth behind her parents’ murder. So when Fran Bow’s developer, KillMonday Games, announced their’s second title Galaxy Scout, we were excited to say the least. Little is known about the game at the moment except that it is an adventure game about a cat who is a scout and Unity3D is being used for its development. The artwork looks amazing as usual and I’m sure as time progresses it will creep up our indie game most wanted list. Read our interview with the developer about their previous indie game, Fran Bow, for more insights.
Observatorium by The Man Who Flew Away is a gorgeous looking puzzle adventure game about a boy called Kit who travels across the sea on an important mission. The game’s original warm glowy art-style, thoughtful puzzles, and emotion fuelled story really caught our attention back in 2015. We wrote about it as one of our ‘best indie games’ articles and we are still very excited to see how the game progresses. The alpha demo is due out soon and we are looking forward to having a go. For more insights into Observatorium check our our developer interview.
Hyper Light Drifter:
Heart Machine have already released this indie action RPG on PC to a stream of positive feedback and it is set for its PS4 launch later this year. We featured it in our ‘best indie games’ blog in 2015 and have been excited about it ever since. The game blends abstract story telling with a retro isometric pixel-art style and a bright neon palette. Kotaku describe it as a “surreal, indie Zelda” which sounds pretty amazing to me. I’ll be picking up my copy on PS4 when its out later this year, can’t wait.
The Last Time:
The Last Time is a point and click adventure indie game by Big Cow Studios boasting a pixel art style and a lot of tongue in cheek humour. When we first saw The Last Time back in 2015 the in-game conversations really captured our attention, they reminded of some of the best point and clicks of yesteryear such as Broken Sword and the Monkey Island series. The game centres on an old retired cop trying to get to the bottom of a life changing event in his past. The game has just gone into beta phase and should be released shortly. So keep your right index finger on your left mouse button, this is not an adventure to miss. You can check out our interview with the developer here.
One Dreamer:
One Dreamer caught our attention during it’s successful Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight campaigns. We wrote about it as one of our ‘best indie games’, you can read the article here. It is described as a side-scrolling psychological gaming experience conveying a powerful and unique story using pixel art and voice narration. It’s influence from Catherine, one of our favourite games on PlayStation 3, got us really excited. The early videos of One Dreamer showed something really original, filled with a sleepy thoughtful beauty. You can check out our interview with the developer here.
Death Trash:
Death Trash is a post-apocalyptic RPG and an indie game we at BKD have been watching for a while now. Its our number 1 ‘best indie game’ for 2016. If you haven’t heard of it you should have; Rock Paper Shotgun love it and the Death Trash following grows stronger with every update or screenshot. It looks set to be an unapologetic romp through a brutal dystopian wilderness. The creator, Stephan Hövelbrinks (@talecrafter), has been producing a steady stream of interesting artwork and his Death Trash world is really coming to life. Think shotguns, cyberpunk, blood, sex, bad language, and lots of ultra-violence. Its set for release in 2017 or beyond, I’m sure it will be worth the wait. You can check out our interview with the developer for more insights into Death Trash.
A violently stylised scene from the hotly anticipated Death Trash.
I hope you’ll find the time to check out these amazing looking games as they really do deserve your attention. Whether you fancy some warm emotional puzzles in Observatorium, a surreal Zelda like adventure in Hyper Light Drifter, some story driven point and click humour in The Last Time, or a filthy, bad language riddled romp through a dystopian wasteland in Death Trash, there truly is something for everybody.
Other games that didn’t quite make our list but look truly amazing and well worth your time are Dark Train, Blacksea Odyssey, Below, and Mooseman. I’ve better get back to enjoyably grafting away on The Flawless: Art’s Tale and a few other projects, if you want to keep up to date on all things Flawless and Bare Knuckle you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.
#BestIndieGames #DeathTrash #GalaxyScout #TheLastTime #HyperLightDrifter #Observatorium #OneDreamer #FlawlessTheGame

Ste Wilson is a director, game developer, and programmer at Bare Knuckle Development Ltd. When not coding away on BKD games he can be found playing video games on console and PC. He also makes music under the music maker name of ‘Electric Fan Death’ and loves playing guitar, writing tunes, and producing music.
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