Game Jam Times and New Flawless Art

The Flawless' new art style is really taking shape, the game is looking amazing and we can't wait to show you. In the mean time why not grab our funny little game jam game Strong and Stable Leader for free. For the past few months we've been redesigning The Flawless: Art's Tale from the ground up after feedback from our

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From Flawless to Maybot Run to VR & Beyond

The prototype for The Flawless: Art's Tale has been complete for a while now. We've been busy grafting away on other projects. A hilarious political infinite runner, a cyberpunk 2d shooter, and a dystopian VR game. Here's how things are progressing. We finished our prototype build of our sidescrolling RPG adventure indie game, The Flawless: Art's Tale a while ago. We recently

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Indie Game Progress: The Flawless Art’s Tale

We've been really busy working on the prototype build of The Flawless: Art's Tale. Here's a quick update on the progress. This is just a quick post to update everyone on our progress on our indie game The Flawless: Art's Tale. The game has come on leaps and bounds and we now have a pretty much working prototype of both

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