The Flawless’ new art style is really taking shape, the game is looking amazing and we can’t wait to show you. In the mean time why not grab our funny little game jam game Strong and Stable Leader for free.
For the past few months we’ve been redesigning The Flawless: Art’s Tale from the ground up after feedback from our prototype build. The new art style is still not ready to show you but it is really coming along. With the new art style the main character Art has also needed some redesign and is looking better than ever. To find out more about the bigger projects we’re working on have a gander at this article.
A Game Jam for the Many
We’ve always wanted to take part in a Game Jam but living in Thailand meant that it wasn’t possible. So when we moved back to the UK we kept our ears and eyes open for game jams in our area. We were invited to the Games for the Many Political Game Jam in Manchester, as we helped Bloodlines Games with their political infinite Runner Maybot Run. We teamed up with Bloodline Games again and a few other people for a weekend to make another politics inspired game. The game we made is called a Strong and Stable Leader. You play as the newly elected UK Prime Minister and have to decide on policies for your country. Your decisions have consequences; will you run the county into the ground whilst you indulge in riches or will you risk the support of your party for the sake of the greater good? You can also collect trophies along the way!
Strong & Stable Leader is a funny little political indie game made in 2 days
We really enjoyed taking part in this game jam. We worked with cool people and saw some interesting ideas given life. It’s surprising how much can be achieved in such a short amount of time especially when you’re working with a bigger team. We had five people on our team and luckily we covered the main indiedev angles; graphics, code, sound, and writing. It was also nice to see the range of people interested in indie games and making games. There were students form Manchester universities, game developers, lecturers, activists, designers, and musicians. We really enjoyed working with different people and we hope to team up with Bloodline Games and Games for the Many again soon.
As you make more right wing decisions you office improves but the world deteriorates
Well I’ve better get back to The Flawless: Art’s Tale, looking forward to showing you the new art style. Until next time… Keep tuned for updates on all our projects. If you enjoyed reading this article and are interested in our game development why not keep up to date with all our indie games by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
#flawlessthegame #MaybotRun #indiegames #GamesForTheMany
Ste Wilson is a director, game developer, and programmer at Bare Knuckle Development Ltd. When not coding away on BKD games he can be found playing video games on console and PC. He also makes music under the music maker name of ‘Electric Fan Death’ and loves playing guitar, writing tunes, and producing music.