I’ve been busy working away on our new hero Art’s walk cycle for our action-RPG The Flawless: Art’s Tale (TFAT).
I think his walk cycle is coming on pretty well. The art-style has improved; still inspired by kids drawings and in monochrome but more detailed. I’ve tried to give him a bit of a stomp and think his cat hood looks pretty cute. He’s carrying a very basic sword which will be upgradable in the game. I’ve been working on loads of different swords each with special perks which I’ll show you guys soon.
Animated gif of hero Art’s new walk cycle
I’ve got loads more of his animations to make now that walk is done, looking forward to designing his fighting animations; when he levels up he will be quite a beast. It’s been a while since I’ve shown new footage of The Flawless but I wanted it to be right before I showed it. I’ll put together a full article about the new art-style soon. Here’s a picture of Art from the old prototype build of TFAT so you can compare.
Hero Art’s old walk cycle from the prototype build
As you can see there is a huge difference, the old Art is more like a kid’s drawing whereas the new hero is what we remember our childhood drawings to be like. Gone are Art’s semi-circular feet and flat paper like body. I’ve kept his skinny dark legs and his spiky hair (when he removes the cat hood). He’s also got a much more expressive face, as you may have noticed he blinks and will have a variety of facial expressions. Well I’ve better get back to development, Art won’t animate himself.
We will have loads more information about ‘The Flawless: Art’s Tale’ very soon along with a load of screenshots, animated gifs, and videos of the new art-style. Until then you can keep up to date with all things Flawless and Bare Knuckle on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Ste Wilson is a director, game developer, and programmer at Bare Knuckle Development Ltd. When not coding away on BKD games he can be found playing video games on console and PC. He also makes music under the music maker name of ‘Electric Fan Death’ and loves playing guitar, writing tunes, and producing music.